[일기] 2월 27일, 일상으로의 복귀

Perfectly returned to the routine of daily life; I read the Analects of Confucius in the library, took the violin lesson, and exercised in the boxing gym as well. A new piece of music I’m going to practice is the Mozart’s violin concerto no.5. My violin tutor had me practice only the first two rows of the music. These two rows are what I will be sticking to for the coming week.

[#M_첨삭|less..|Completely returned to my daily routine: I read the Analects of Confucius at the library, took the violin lesson, and exercised at the boxing gym as well. A new piece of music I’m going to practice is Mozart’s violin concerto no. 5. My violin tutor told me to practice only the first two lines of it. Those two lines are what I will keep practicing next week.

원래 의미는, 레슨 때 선생님이 진도를 겨우 두 줄만 나갔고, 그 두 줄을 앞으로 한 주 동안 지겹게 연습하게 될 것이라는 거였는데.


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