[일기] 3월 6일, 봄

When a warm breeze gently brushed my face, I felt that spring has come. These days the sun is still shinning when I leave the office. I can enjoy the soft evening sunlight for a while before get to the library. That alone is just enough to fill my heart with happiness.

[#M_첨삭|less..|동사 중심의 언어인 한국어와는 달리, 명사 중심의 언어인 영어에서는 문장을 수식할 때 ‘부사(동사 및 형용사를 수식하는 요소)’보다는 ‘형용사(명사를 수식하는 요소)’를 사용하는 것이 좋다. 부사가 빈번히 등장하면 글의 맛이 떨어진다.

When a warm breeze caressed my face, I realized that spring had arrived. These days the sun is still shining when I leave the office. I can enjoy the soft evening ray for a while on my way to the library. That alone is enough to fill my heart with happiness.


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